
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Single Player Lite Rant

It seems as of late games are trying to make everything connect to the net, even to the point where they are doing this with Single Player modes. Games like Dragon's Dogma and The Sims 3, as of the Showtime Add-On, let the player connect to the net in order to use features like Dogma's borrowing other player's Pawna and Sims 3's sending a player's Sim to a friend's city. However some games take this to the extreme, I found out that with Blizzard's Diablo 3, you can't even PLAY online without being connected to the internet and even worse, if the servers are full, you still can't play! These Game Designers are idiots, the Single Player mode should NEVER have ANYTHING to do with being online in any shape and form, it is called SINGLE Player for a reason!

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